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Winners and Losers | A New Yorker Cartoon (and I get it, and it is funny!)

Thanks to The Seinfeld Episode: The Cartoon whenever I see The New Yorker magazine I check to see if the cartoons are actually funny. One of my professors mentioned a New Yorker article last night about inaugural addresses so I went to check it out online. This cartoon was inset in a completely different article I was reading (which I did not “get”) and I just had to blog about the cartoon (which i do “get”)!

We Lost

Don’t we all miss the days when a winner won and a loser lost?

Now it seems there is no winning and no losing. We are almost more concerned that the losers not feel bad than the winners feel good. When my younger brother played in Little League as a 6 year old the rule was “no keeping score allowed” but he always knew who won anyway… I guess they think that means that we are all winners.

I think that it may mean that we are all losers!

Seriously, rewarding success is very important and we need to balance that with making certain that people don’t get too down about their lack of success. One place that has preserved this quite effectively is Loyola Law School. We are graded on a hard curve which results in a handful of “A” students, a few more “A-” students and mostly “B+” – “C” students. Only the best get the “A”. But the rest can get that really nice trophy in the cartoon…

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January 2009

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